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Posts about fitness

I uploaded videos of me training acrobatics @ Firestorm Freerunning on YouTube: https://goo.gl/xTzL9W More videos will be added to the playlist. ...


I have been thinking about creating a list of activities that I have done and grade them on a scale of 1-10 based on how much I like the activity and how much I want to do them. We ...


Sets/reps brench pressing 150 today: 6/6/4/6 Bench pressing was pretty comfortable, has to use 2x45, 2x5, 2x.2.5 to get the weights right. Almost hitting my goal of bench pressing my body weight. Only 5 more pounds to go at 155 lbs. ...

Posts about music

You ever of the band New Politics? I really love their song called "Harlem": The lead singer, David Boyd break dances! That is so cool! He has his own phrase called "Boyding". It's where you stand on head upside-down. I wish ...


There is nothing like going to a concert to catch live music from your favorite artists and bands. The music sounds so much better live, the acoustics in the building. I love feeling the energy, vibe and atmosphere from ...


So everyone knows the story about Pandora's Box? You open up her box and all of evil spirits and devils come out of it. Okay that box from Pandora is bad but Pandora Radio is ...

Posts about games

I always liked Chrono Trigger and I did think that it could have spawned multiple sequels into a series like Final Fantasy. We all how Chrono Cross was, but why wasn't Chrono given another chance? I will talk about ...


For all of you guys out there who were around during the 80s, you gotta remember the 8-bit video games. The 8-bit sprites and music is something that Nintendo created back then and are still loved to this day. ...


Evolving Characters Create History

I feel that almost everyone has some sort of history with Nintendo. Whether you actually owned a Nintendo video game console or played one, Nintendo has a special place in almost everyone's heart. I would have ...

Posts about other stuff

What other stuff do I like?


Been awhile since I have posted on this site. Glad to see that the blog is still holding up after almost 3 years. My first post was in January 2014 and we are hitting up the new year very ...


If you want a quick and easy recipe that is healthy, then try some cold overnight oats to enjoy the next day. Ingredients:

  • Old-fashioned plain/non-flavored oats
    • Not instant oats that come with sugar flavor packets, skip this stuff
    • Rolled/steel-cut oats should work too, ...


Looking to buff up? Drink a protein shake pre-and-post workout. As a pre-workout drink, the shake will give your cell instant fuel enegry because it is a liquid. Post-workout, the shake will give your body nutrients to recover afterward. Ingredients:

  • Milk
  • Whey ...